
The Saratoga Staunton Club Thanks Bill Little

On January 6, 2008 Bill Little gave a lecture on "Lurking Knights" and other "Tactical Debacles". Bill has been an area expert for many years. He provided us with just a few examples of the wisdom that he has drawn over the ages. There were about 14 people at the lecture, and Bill did a great job showing us some fascinating positions and giving great practical advice. I think the highlight for the lecture was that 90% of the positions came from hotly contested local games. In addition to Bill Littles' own games, we saw positions from Lee Battes, Bobby Rotter, and Carl Adamec, just to name a few.

The Saratoga "Stauntons" wish to express our gratitude to Bill Little for a fine lecture. Maybe some of you local players need to come up to Saratoga to find out what we are saying about you at our lectures.

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