The City Mission and Proctor’s Theater Present
A simultaneous chess exhibition with
Grandmaster Ronen Har-Zvi
Former world Under-16 champion
Wednesday, January 23
Limited to 25 boards
Entry is FREE – but number of boards is limited.
Many are reserved but some will be given away by raffle.
At Proctor’s
(near the Box Office and Muddy Cup Café)
Event opens at 4:30 p.m. and the simul begins at 5:15 p.m.
There will be door prizes for participants, and every scholastic player will get a prize!
So far GM Har-Zvi is undefeated in this area, could YOU be the first to beat him?
For more information contact
Ashok Aaron at the City
Sponsors include: Proctor’s Theater, City Mission, Internet Chess Club, Make the Right Move Foundation, Capital District Scholastic Chess Foundation, ENYCA, the Studio of Bridge and Games