Williams College Open
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Griffin Hall Rooms 3 and 4
USCF Rated (Must be a USCF member or join at the tournament.)
Game/90 minute
EF: $12
Registration 9:00AM-9: 45 AM
Rounds at 10:00 AM; 1:30 PM; and 5:00 PM
Prizes based on 17 paid entries:
Open First 100
Open Second 50
Open Third 25
U1600 First 60
U1600 Second 40
U1600 Third 20
Top Unrated 20
Upset Prize 20
Top Williams Student 20
(Yes, the prizes exceed the entry fees collected.)
Directions and Information:
Driving directions to
or by using mapquest.com.
The tournament is in Griffin Hall room 3 and 4. A Campus Map depicting Griffin Hall can be found at http://www.williams.edu/home/campusmap/
Parking: Park behind
Send Questions to Trevor Murphy at tmurphy@williams.edu