
Williams College Open - Williamstown, MA

Williams College Open

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Griffin Hall Rooms 3 and 4

USCF Rated (Must be a USCF member or join at the tournament.)

Game/90 minute

EF: $12

Registration 9:00AM-9: 45 AM

Rounds at 10:00 AM; 1:30 PM; and 5:00 PM

Prizes based on 17 paid entries:

Open First 100

Open Second 50

Open Third 25

U1600 First 60

U1600 Second 40

U1600 Third 20

Top Unrated 20

Upset Prize 20

Top Williams Student 20

(Yes, the prizes exceed the entry fees collected.)

Directions and Information:

Driving directions to Williamstown, MA 01267 can be found at


or by using mapquest.com.

The tournament is in Griffin Hall room 3 and 4. A Campus Map depicting Griffin Hall can be found at http://www.williams.edu/home/campusmap/

Parking: Park behind Griffin in the lower lot. Access the parking lot by taking Rt. 2/main street to Southworth and taking the first left. The parking area will be on the left with Griffin Hall being at the top of the hill.

Send Questions to Trevor Murphy at tmurphy@williams.edu


Nov. 14 2009 New York State Action Chess Championship

A State Championship Event!
Where: Quality Inn and Suites, 611 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham (Northway Exit 6).
G/30, 4-SS in two sections: Open and Scholastic in combination with the 2009 New York State Quick Chess Championship. NYSCA membership required.
Open: $23 entry fee if received by 11/9, $30 at site, with one additional $3 discount for entries in the New York State Action Chess Championship, carpools of three or more, or military ID. Place and class prize based on entries.
Scholastic: $15 entry fee if received by 11/9, $20 at site.
Registration by mail or at site from 9:30-10:45 a.m. Rounds: 11 a.m., 12:30-1:45 and 3 p.m.
Entries/Information: Karl Heck, 5426 Route 67, East Durham, NY 12423, sldkth@nyair.net, www.enyca.org, 518-966-8523.


Nov. 14 2009 New York State Quick Chess Championship (QC)

A State Championship Event!
Where: Quality Inn and Suites, 611 Troy-Schenectady Road, Latham (Northway Exit 6).
G/10, 6-SS in two sections: Open and Scholastic in combination with the 2009 New York State Action Chess Championship. NYSCA membership required.
Open: $23 entry fee if received by 11/9, $30 at site, with one additional $3 discount for entries in the New York State Action Chess Championship, carpools of three or more, or military ID. Place and class prize based on entries.
Scholastic: $15 entry fee if received by 11/9, $20 at site.
Registration by mail or at site from 3-4:30 p.m. Rounds: 5-5:30-6-6:30-7-7:30 p.m. Entries/Information: Karl Heck, 5426 Route 67, East Durham, NY 12423, sldkth@nyair.net, www.enyca.org, 518-966-8523.

Current Standings Staunton Club Championships (As of 10/24/2009)