
GM Simul at Proctor's

The City Mission and Proctor’s Theater Present

A simultaneous chess exhibition with

Grandmaster Ronen Har-Zvi

Former world Under-16 champion

Wednesday, January 23

Limited to 25 boards

Entry is FREE – but number of boards is limited.

Many are reserved but some will be given away by raffle.

At Proctor’s Arcade

(near the Box Office and Muddy Cup Café)

432 State Street, Schenectady, NY

Event opens at 4:30 p.m. and the simul begins at 5:15 p.m.

There will be door prizes for participants, and every scholastic player will get a prize!

So far GM Har-Zvi is undefeated in this area, could YOU be the first to beat him?

For more information contact

Ashok Aaron at the City Mission (518-346-2275, ext. 318)

Sponsors include: Proctor’s Theater, City Mission, Internet Chess Club, Make the Right Move Foundation, Capital District Scholastic Chess Foundation, ENYCA, the Studio of Bridge and Games


Staunton Club Lecture

The Saratoga Staunton Club Presents the First Lecture in the Lecture Series for 2008 on January 6, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.

The Title for the Lecture is: “Lurking Knights and Other Tactical Debacles”. Bill Little will be the presenter. Bill is a long time area resident and has been a Chess Expert for decades. He will show that we can avoid a lot of pitfalls in chess if we take a little preventative medicine. This lecture will focus on simple defensive measures that should be taken before positions become indefensible.

The lecture will be at the Saratoga Springs United Methodist Church located at 175 Fifth Avenue in Saratoga Springs, in the Atkins Room. Use the entrance off the big parking lot. The Atkins Room is down the hallway to the left.

Use the I-87 Northway to Exit 14. Henning Road is the first right turn (at light) as you head west towards town. The church is located at the intersection of Henning Road and Fifth Avenue.